
by Mark Doherty

Nov 27 – Dec 15

Trad has the makings of a surrealistic mini-epic voyage. Da is a cantankerous 130 something year-old man lamenting the fact that his much spryer 100 something year-old son Thomas did not provide the family with an offspring to continue the family line. But Thomas has a secret! Many decades prior, he gave in to a moment of reckless passion that resulted in the very thing that could relieve Da’s despair. The problem is… Thomas has never met his progeny and has no idea where this child could be. So they set out together on a paternal quest that becomes much more than a simple trek to locate an estranged child of 70 something. The obstacles and characters Da and Thomas encounter on their journey become symbols for life’s challenges, and this whimsical tale – while never taking itself too seriously – delivers a warm reflection on our need to belong.

“Quite funny… Snider and Tipping… play these roles so well… quite remarkable… very well supported by David Conway… The production also boasts one of the better sets I’ve seen at Inconnu.” CBC On The Island

“A fun break from seasonal fare… Trad pokes affectionate fun at Irish theatre’s rich history… Snider particularly impressed as Da… comes fully into her own.”  Times Colonist

Directed by Wendy Merk
Cast (alphabetically): David Conway, Gloria Snider, Deirdre Tipping

Preview: Nov 27 @ 8pm
8pm: Nov 28, 29, Dec 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15
2pm: Dec 1, 8, 15

Reservations and Ticket Sales

Through TICKET ROCKET: or   250-590-6291 (a $2.50 surcharge will be added).

Directly through THEATRE INCONNU: Phone (250) 360-0234  or  by  Email.

Complimentary tickets, special needs seating, and subscribers: need to reserve directly through Theatre Inconnu.

Ticket Prices:
14 regular, $10 seniors (60+) /students/unwaged
Nov 27 – Preview is $7
Tuesday Dec 4 is Pay-What-You-Wish admission

The show is about 100 minutes long, including one intermission.

Theatre Inconnu is located at 1923 Fernwood Road (across the street from the Belfry Theatre). For parking we suggest the side streets west of Fernwood Road as these do not have parking restriction signs.

We are wheelchair accessible
Gloria Snider, David Conway, Deirdre Tipping