Falstaff – available for touring
Performed and adapted by Clayton Jevne
from the novel Falstaff by Robert Nye
Clayton Jevne’s, one-actor presentation of Robert Nye’s Guardian Fiction Award winning “biographical” novel, Falstaff, is imaginatively based – with Shakespearean borrowings – upon the life of the actual historical figure of Sir John Fastolf, from whom Shakespeare drew his original inspiration.
To decide if this production is suitable for your festival or event, please read the following, as well as this full-length review (of the longer version of this show) from the Coastal Spectator.
Falstaff is a one-actor romp through the life of Sir John: from birth and continuing into to his eighth decade. Fifteenth century Britain is brought back to life as Jack takes us into battles, bedrooms, and bars. Nye’s Falstaff/Fastolf is a finely balanced persona, combining both the comical figure of Shakespeare’s self-absorbed buffoon, and the more subdued historic figure of Sir John Fastolf; whose extensive writings chronicled the latter part of the Hundred Years War.
This production is available in both 90 and 75 minute versions, making it suitable for different presentation situations. The longer version is the more “adult” oriented, and does not shy away from some of the ribald details that Nye uses to colour Sir John’s more senuous inclinations. The shorter version discreetly preserves our hero’s more hedonistic qualities while placing an emphasis on his swash-buckling adventures.
Jevne’s/Nye’s Falstaff paints a colourful portrait of medieval England as well as providing a first hand account of some of the Hundred Years War’s significant battles – including Falstaff’s encounter with Joan of Arc.
Falstaff premiered for a very successful three-week run in 2013 at Theatre Inconnu in Victoria, BC, Canada. This was followed in 2014 by an equally successful showing at the Gabriola Theatre Festival on Gabriola Island, BC.
The Publishers Weekly wrote of Nye’s novel, “Unabashedly bawdy and outrageously raunchy.”
Reviews of this performance have stated,
“Amazing… a very fine actor… a wonderful story teller.” CBC (Canada’s national broadcaster)
“Masterful… Sympathetic, without losing his bawdy edge.” Monday Magazine, Victoria
“A character we continue to love… an impressive outing.” Times Colonist, Victoria
“Unapologetically profane, but sacred and poetic at the same time… masterful acting, never fell into caricature.” Coastal Spectator
A bit of a bio on the performer:
Clayton Jevne is foremost a theatre practitioner, having founded and led Theatre Inconnu (Victoria’s longest surviving alternative theatre company) since 1978. He has been active with the company in over 100 productions as actor, director, or designer; his solo performances have toured in four countries. Clayton has also pursued scholarly activities, earning a PhD in Performance Practice and Theory from the University of Victoria. He is published in the Canadian Journal of Practice-Based Research in Theatre; and his adaptation, One-Man Hamlet, has been issued by Ekstasis Editions.
Booking Contact information
Click here
(250) 360-0234
709 Yates Street
PO Box 8796 – Victoria Main Post Office
Victoria, BC
V8W 3S3