An individual annual memberships is $5

A healthy membership shows strong community support for Theatre Inconnu, and greatly increases our chance of receiving funding form various agencies.
An annual membership also allows you to have voting privileges at our Annual General Meeting.

If you have already purchased a subscription then your membership is automatically included in your subscription price.
If you wish to purchase a membership without purchasing a subscription, then the cost is $5. You can purchase a separate membership whey you come to see one of our shows, or you can do it with an e-transfer through:
This is an auto-deposit transfer, so you do not need to provide a “secret” question and answer.
When you purchase a membership via e-transfer, or any other means, remember to include you name, address, and phone number.
You can also mail us a cheque.
When mailing a cheque, please print out and fill in the Membership portion of THIS FORM
And mail to:
Theatre Inconnu
709 Yates St., PO Box 8796 – Victoria Main Post Office
Victoria, BC
V8W 3S3