The Last Days of Judas Iscariot is a hilarious, poignant, thought-provoking work by Pulitzer-prize winning playwright Stephen Adly Guirgis. Boasting a large, zany cast of characters, the play asks one of the most plaguing questions in the Christian ideology: What happened to Judas Iscariot? The facts (we think!) we know are these: Judas was the disciple of Jesus who betrayed his friend and teacher to the authorities. He is seen as the man responsible for Jesus’s death; afterwards, Judas fell into despair and hung himself from an olive tree; since then, he has been suffering for his deeds deep in Hell, and will continue to do so for all eternity. Is that really fair? Was Judas the duplicitous master of his own fate, a much-suffering pawn used for Jesus’s ends, or just a man who made a mistake? Set in a courtroom in Purgatory, The Last Days puts Judas’ case to a hilarious, riotous, piercing trial, the results of which are sure to make the inhabitants of Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory — and the audience — reconsider what each thought they knew about forgiveness, faith, and the human inside one of the history’s most infamous figures.
“These are six actors who are doing very heroic work… because of Jevne’s expertise and the expertise of this ensemble, they really pull it off… A very intelligent play: funny, witty, cutting, blasphemous… A lovely chance to see a play by quite an important contemporary playwright.” CBC On the Island (Monica Prendergast)
“lets the audience view Judas with empathy, sorrow, and just the right amount of humour… the play is large, both with characters and with emotionally driven plotlines… they manage to pull it off… the hearts of the actors booming with enthusiasm… The actors are talented, and the story is captivating.” Nexus (Emily Welch)
Directed by Clayton Jevne
Acted by (alphabetically): Catriona Black, Melissa Blank, Evan Coates, Cam Culham, Julie Gray, David Macpherson
Preview: Feb 12 @ 8pm
8 pm: Feb 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 27, 28, Mar 1, Mar 2
2 pm: Feb 16, 23, Mar 2
Reservations and Ticket Sales
Through TICKET ROCKET: or 250-590-6291
Directly through THEATRE INCONNU: Phone (250) 360-0234 or by Email.Complimentary tickets, special needs seating, and subscribers: need to reserve directly through Theatre Inconnu
Ticket Prices:
14 regular, $10 seniors (60+) /students/unwaged
Tuesday Feb 12 is half-price ($7) preview
Wednesday Feb 20 is Pay-What-You-Wish admission
The show is about 2 and a half hours long, including one intermission.
Theatre Inconnu is located at 1923 Fernwood Road (across the street from the Belfry Theatre). For parking we suggest the side streets west of Fernwood Road as these do not have parking restriction signs.
We are wheelchair accessible
David Macpherson, Melissa Blank, Evan Coates, Cam Culham, Julie Gray, Catriona Black
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